Friday, August 12, 2016

Every picture tells a story!

Yesterday I had the honor of taking Baby K's photo for her first birthday.  Now I am by no means a professional photographer, I am just your average do-it-yourself kind of girl learning how to shoot in manual. So when asked by our good friends to take pictures for their daughter's first birthday I was nervous but excited to be part of such a special day.  

So with a well-rested subject and the backdrops and props all set up we set off to shoot the "perfect" birthday pictures.  All that was left was a few outfit changes to capture that first birthday smile and excitement. Well, capturing those picturesque moments took on a whole new meaning when we were chasing around an almost one-year-old between four different outfit changes, snack time, and balloons. My preschooler was even helping chase around Baby K to try to put her bow back on.  Try to get an on-the-move 12-month-old to sit still in a chair and smile in a couple of shots. 

393 pictures later we did capture the smiles, giggles, and even a few tears.  Some of my favorite shots were the ones that were not staged but the in between running around shots. 

Oh, the adventures of capturing that "perfect" shot was so much fun and I can not wait to do it again in a few months for my little one's first birthday. Happy Birthday, K! Now I'm off to finish up the smash cake for tomorrow!

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